PODit insures with Intasure as summarized below. If you have any further questions, please contact Intasure directly.

Intasure                    Intasure Place, 110 Main Road
D +27 21 286 1058                     Diep River 7800, Cape Town, South Africa
T +27 21 712 6686                     P.O. Box 423, Bergvliet, 7864

Important Details your Insurer Might Ask: 
Click here for a PDF version of the following information. 

What we insure: 
Sudden physical loss or damage to Your Goods stored in the Storage Unit caused by:
● fire,
● lightning,
● explosion,
● earthquake,
● storm,
● burst pipes
● flood
● malicious damage unless accompanied by a theft
● impact by vehicles or aircraft.

The insurance is limited to a maximum value of R40 000 or the value that you have elected and inserted in the rental
agreement, whichever is the lesser amount.
Goods Covered subject to Specified Limitation
● Unless otherwise agreed in writing from the insurance broker, the following limitations will apply:
○ Jewellery, watches, precious stones and stamps of all kind are limited to a combined total for all such
items of R5 000;
○ Vintage collectables, perfume, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and alcohol are limited to a combined total for
all such items of R5 000;
○ Antique furniture, furs and fine arts are limited to a combined total of R20 000 with an individual item limit
of R10 000 for any single item; and
○Electronic items in the form of commercial or domestic electrical appliances and equipment will be limited
to a combined total for all such items of R50 000.
○ Where any items are part of a pair or set, you will only be covered for the actual items which are lost or
damaged. No payment will be made in respect of the remaining part of the pair or set and no indemnity
will be provided in terms of any resultant loss in value as a result of the pair or set being disconnected.

What is not insured
● The Policy does not cover loss of or damage to Goods related to or caused by those perils and causes generally
referred to as War, Riot, Terrorism, Political or Civil Unrest.
● We will not be liable for consequential or indirect loss suffered by You and will not be obliged to pay You for such
loss. Examples of consequential or indirect loss are: (1) Replacement of locks if keys are destroyed; (2) Any profit
lost due to stock being destroyed.
● Damage caused by vermin, wear and tear or gradual deterioration.
● Damage or Breakage of goods whilst in storage
● You will be responsible for the first 10% of a claim with a minimum of R5000 in respect of any one incident.
● The Policy does not cover any loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising from dispossession,
detention, confiscation, forfeiture, impounding or requisition legally carried out by customs, police services, crime
prevention units or other officials or authorities.
● Your Goods will only be covered in terms of this Agreement while it is in the rented Storage Unit and specifically
will not be covered while being transported, moved into the Storage Unit or while anywhere else in the Store other
than in the Storage Unit.
● Any goods that in terms of the storage agreement are not permitted to be stored
● Any protection afforded in terms hereof will not extend to any type of motor vehicle or boat and that any car,
motorbike, truck, pickup truck, quad bike, motor boat, fishing boat, yacht, trailer, caravan or any other type of
vehicle or boat (or parts or components thereof) will not be contemplated or included in terms of the Policy,
notwithstanding the fact that it may be stored in the Storage Unit.
Excluded Goods
● No cover is provided for the following:
● Items on the list of forbidden items as set out in the agreement;
● Money, coins, bullion, deeds, bonds, securities and the like;
● Mobile phones; and
● Goods insured under a separate policy.
● Motor vehicles, boats, trailers, caravans and any other type of conveyance or parts thereof.

Important Details your Insurer Might Ask: 
Click here for a PDF version of the following information. 

    Stellenbosch Facility 

  • 3 m concrete wall
  • Barbed wire
  • Electric Fence
  • Motion Sensors 
  • Pepper gas System
  • CCTV System
  • Street guard at night / public holidays 
  • Electric gates
  • Night-lights 
  • Armed response (ABC Security) 

Strand Facility 


  • 2.8m Electric fence 
  • 2.8 Palisade fencing 
  • Motion detectors
  • Cameras monitored by staff 24/7 
  • Pepper gas system
  • Armed response - Vetus Schola
  •  Electric gate
  •  Lights at night

Paarl Facility 


  • 2.8m Electric fence 
  • Barbed wire  
  •  Personnel permanently resides on property 
  • Motion detectors 
  • Cameras monitored by staff 24/7
  •  Armed response - Vetus Schola
  • Electric gate
  • Lights at night